I’m Sarah, a former teacher and school librarian turned stay-at-home mom and hobbyist photographer. I live in Ponte Vedra, FL with my husband, Nick, our three girls, Kate (7), Caroline (6), and Abby (3), and our sweet golden retriever, Kirby.
I bought my first DSLR (a Nikon D60) in November 2008, but I was not yet brave enough to switch the dial from the safety of the green “auto” box. But in the summer of 2010, when Kate was about 7 months old, I stumbled upon a local moms’ group that planned play dates around photographing their kids. I was thrilled! This group was the catalyst for me to finally figure out how to shoot in manual mode. I devoured information online and asked questions of my Lens Baby group friends. I bought my first prime lens and upgraded my camera. I was so determined to get better that I committed to shoot daily with a 365 project that year. I joined ClickinMoms and there found a supportive, informative, and inspirational online community.
I started this blog (back then it was “Carlson Family Corner”) when Kate was born. Many of the early photos were lost from the blog (I still need to go back and restore all of those!), but it’s amazing to look back through this online journal to see not only the growth of my precious family, but my growth in skill and confidence in this hobby I love so dearly.
Thanks for stopping by!